Solar Power Purchase Agreement

Using a company like US Energy Solutions can provide flexible options like a solar Power Purchase Agreement. Your business can lock in lower fixed electric rates compared to your current rate, for 20-years or more, which will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the term of the contract and get the solar panels, installation, and maintenance on us!

What exactly is Solar PPA?

A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (Solar PPA) is an agreement between a solar company (US Energy Solutions) and a business (You). With a Solar PPA, we install solar panels on your building (or open land/property) and sell the solar power it produces back to you. The rate you pay is typically 10%-30% less than your current utility supply charges. With a Solar PPA from US Energy Solutions, your business gets clean, solar electricity, and you save money in the process.

Lower energy rates – locked in

When you lease your unused land, open space, or parking lots to us we can install a solar farm and sell the electricity to the utility company. Your business will earn a base rent for the duration of the lease while US Energy Solutions handles all operations and maintenance.

Solar PPA Service Areas

Solar PPAs are currently available in Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut

Invest in years of energy savings for your business

Get started with a complimentary energy audit by calling us direct at
or completing the form below.