Navy Exchange store in Norfolk, VA

This list shows the money saving benefits we have helped several of our clients save:

  • Navy Exchange retail store in Norfolk, VA – Average of 18% savings of the total annual power costs.
  • Intercontinental Hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica- Savings of 90% related to energy needed for heating laundry hot water with increased linen life.
  • Automatic Data Processing- Savings of 40% on lighting costs for office areas with improved light quality. Southern California Edison also provided ADP a significant rebate for the project, which contributed to the return on investment of 1 year.
  • Navy Exchange Distribution Centers in Pensacola, FL and Chino, CA- Two years after installation , there has been a sustained 37% annual savings of the total annual power costs for both facilities.
  • MBM Food Service Warehouse in Aberdeen, MD. – Average of 12% annual savings on the refrigeration loads.
  • Hall Auto dealership in Virginia Beach, VA- Average of 12% annual savings on electricity costs.
  • Navy Base in Souda Bay, Greece- Average of 35% savings of the total HVAC power consumption.


Annual Reduction


Call 757-271-9363 to schedule your free energy audit and learn how we can lower your energy bill.